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About Us Who We Are

This is a place where individuals and families come together to grow in faith, support one another,
and make a positive impact in the world around us.

Our Beliefs

About Us

What Do Methodists Believe?

Our History

In 1808, Jacob Albright, founder of the Evangelical Movement, sent Jacob Frey to explore the area “West of the Susquehanna River.”   

This early movement extended into the community of New Paradise – now called JACOBUS – where prayer and praise meetings were held in the homes of these believers.  These early “churches” were served by circuit pastors.


In 1862, at the encouragement of their brothers and sisters at Potosi (Mount Zion) Church, the Christ Evangelical Association Congregation set upon the building of a house of worship.  A sketch of this first church is shown above.  H.R. Price and C.W. Davis of the Loganville/Shrewsbury Circuit served our first congregation.  Full membership of the Loganville Circuit in 1878 was 195.  In 1883, membership increased to 266.

This increase in membership made it necessary for expansion, and in 1896 a second church was constructed on the same site.  Through the next fifty years, several renovations were made to this church to accommodate the growing congregation, including a small addition in the rear of the building for the children; a portion of the basement was excavated for additional space. 

In 1950, under the theme, “Where there is no vision, the people perish,” funds were raised for the third and present structure.  With much planning and foresight, our forefathers determined that a larger building on the original site would best serve the community.  

On February 28, 1954 the congregation held its last service in the old church, and the social hall at Lakeview Park became our house of worship. On March 7, 1954, ground was broken at special services, and on the following day, razing of the old church began.  On June 13, 1954, the cornerstone was laid.  The following March, in special services from March 13-26, 1955, the new and current house of worship was dedicated to the glory of God.

In 1990, a Sunday School facility was added to the west side of the current structure.  Children’s classrooms were added on the lower, excavated level, with adult rooms above.  An elevator and a handicapped ramp were installed at this time.  Our Hebrews Café is currently a part of this addition.   In 2007, as part of a major capital campaign to renovate the Lakeview Park facility, air conditioning was added throughout our house of worship.

Our Staff

I was born and raised in western Pennsylvania- Indiana County. I met my (now) husband, Brian, at The Indiana University of PA. We ended up moving to this side of the state after he graduated college. I finished my Bachelor’s degree at York College of PA, and then moved on to graduate school; earning a Master’s degree in Organizational Development & Leadership from Shippensburg University, and a Master’s degree in Low Vision Rehabilitation from Salus University. I am currently enrolled at Wesley Biblical Seminary. Moving on to a little bit about my family. As I mentioned, my husband Brian. We have been married for 17 years. He is a teacher and has a gift for working with wayward teens. We have been blessed with three beautiful rescue dogs to care for. We enjoy spending time outdoors, going camping, and spending quiet evenings on our back porch around the firepit.​New friends, if I might leave you with these words of the Apostle Paul “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). How powerful this is- that we share in the death and the resurrection of Christ. And yet, the focus of Christianity is not on dying, but on living. We have the privilege to point others towards this life- a better way to live.

Pastor Jennifer Zack

I was born and raised in western Pennsylvania- Indiana County. I met my (now) husband, Brian, at The Indiana University of PA. We ended up moving to this side of the state after he graduated college. I finished my Bachelor’s degree at York College of PA, and then moved on to graduate school; earning a Master’s degree in Organizational Development & Leadership from Shippensburg University, and a Master’s degree in Low Vision Rehabilitation from Salus University. I am currently enrolled at Wesley Biblical Seminary. Moving on to a little bit about my family. As I mentioned, my husband Brian. We have been married for 17 years. He is a teacher and has a gift for working with wayward teens. We have been blessed with three beautiful rescue dogs to care for. We enjoy spending time outdoors, going camping, and spending quiet evenings on our back porch around the firepit.​New friends, if I might leave you with these words of the Apostle Paul “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). How powerful this is- that we share in the death and the resurrection of Christ. And yet, the focus of Christianity is not on dying, but on living. We have the privilege to point others towards this life- a better way to live.
Stephanie is currently the Administrative Secretary as of April 29, 2019. She has worked in customer service. She graduated from Yorktowne Business Institute with a degree in Medical Secretarial. Stephanie had worked as a secretary at Lutheran Counseling Services (now SpritTrust Lutheran) and currently works as the secretary at Friedensaal Lutheran Church, Seven Valleys Stephanie and her husband, Michael, have been married for 17 years and have adopted 2 fur kids. Stephanie has been raised Lutheran all her life. In her spare time she is involved in the York County 4-H Program as a leader for over 30 years, and is active in her church she attends. She also helps out on the family farm and raising and showing Hampshire and Southdown sheep.

Stephanie Dorer

Stephanie is currently the Administrative Secretary as of April 29, 2019. She has worked in customer service. She graduated from Yorktowne Business Institute with a degree in Medical Secretarial. Stephanie had worked as a secretary at Lutheran Counseling Services (now SpritTrust Lutheran) and currently works as the secretary at Friedensaal Lutheran Church, Seven Valleys Stephanie and her husband, Michael, have been married for 17 years and have adopted 2 fur kids. Stephanie has been raised Lutheran all her life. In her spare time she is involved in the York County 4-H Program as a leader for over 30 years, and is active in her church she attends. She also helps out on the family farm and raising and showing Hampshire and Southdown sheep.
I grew up in Hanover PA, where I live now. I've spent most of my growing up in churches whilst being homeschooled from first up through high school. I graduated high school in 2021. I am currently taking private lessons in music and art under two very brilliant teachers. I started learning guitar at age fourteen and slowly worked my way to playing on my former church's worship team at age fifteen. So from my early teens up to now I have helped to lead worship. Along with guitar, I play piano, ukulele, drums, bass, and violin. I've been the Worship Leader at Christ Church Jacobus since May 2021 to present

Dellaney Parker

I grew up in Hanover PA, where I live now. I’ve spent most of my growing up in churches whilst being homeschooled from first up through high school. I graduated high school in 2021. I am currently taking private lessons in music and art under two very brilliant teachers. I started learning guitar at age fourteen and slowly worked my way to playing on my former church’s worship team at age fifteen. So from my early teens up to now I have helped to lead worship. Along with guitar, I play piano, ukulele, drums, bass, and violin. I’ve been the Worship Leader at Christ Church Jacobus since May 2021 to present

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