We support several different programs that benefit the surrounding community.
Ways to Serve
There are many ways to serve at Christ Church Jacobus! Please join us we become the hands and feet of Christ through our local outreach ministries:
Offered the 2nd Saturday of every month 8:30am-10:30am in our fellowship hall. We need volunteers to cook, bake, and serve; we also need donations of breakfast food (i.e., pancake mix, syrup, breakfast meat such as ham) and paper goods (i.e., paper plates, napkins, cups, plasticware).
Our food pantry is open the 2nd Saturday of every month 8:30am-10:30am. We are always looking for volunteers to interact with the customers, offer prayer, and assist in other ways needed for the care of the food pantry. We are always accepting donations of canned food, paper goods, hygiene products, and non-perishable items.
Our clothing bank is open the 2nd Saturday of every month 8:30am-10:30am. We need volunteers to assist with sorting and hanging of clothes, and assist with the customers. We accept donations of clean, gently worn clothing.
We love Sunday mornings here at CCJ! Serving opportunities are available in hospitality, reading scripture, teaching/leading small groups, childcare, and janitorial.
“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
(Romans 12:13)
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